Posted in Chronic illness

Where have I been?

I’ve been away from the blog for a few months. It’s been because of the health problems I’ve been having. On top of my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, my digestive system got really messed up. I may have wrote about it before but they suspect ulcerative colitis.

I have had a flexible sigmoidoscopy. They found colitis and im waiting on biopsy results to find the cause of the colitis. 

In the mean time, I’ve been put on steroids amongst some other meds. Which means weight gain.

Being ill has also left me with terrible skin, hair and nails so I’m all round gross looking at the moment.

But my health is slowly improving, and I’m managing to do things again. 

Which means back to blogging. 

Regular posts will be back soon.


A creative young adult with opinions and health problems

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